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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Salad Challenge!

Instead of completely squandering away today's nap time perusing WIAW posts, I thought I would post my own.  I'm not ready to link up to the blog party just yet.  Maybe one day when our schedules are not so erratic, I develop a knack for this stuff, and the stars magically align.  Or, when I stop chickening out.  :-)

A week of soups was a breeze.  A week of salads, yes please.  Thank you delicious, giant garden salad I had for lunch for reminding me. 

Here's what we ate:

Warm Confetti Rice Salad with Tofu (usually its corn and black beans - this is carrots and pinto)

Spinach Cherry Quinoa Salad

Egg Salad with Turkey Bacon (well done...eek!) and Roasted Broccoli

Pizza Pasta Salad
Not pictured:  Garden Salad.

We kicked it old school with the egg salad and turkey bacon.  Took it back to the bagel shop days.  The menu featured an egg salad sandwich with bacon and lettuce called the Cuckoo's Nest.  Oh man, I hope we have a sandwich week soon!