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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nom Nom Nom - The Creeper

The baby is asleep, for now.  The husband is at his fantasy football draft.  I have eaten way too much.  It's so hard to stop once I start.  The evening snacking is the worst!  In the past half hour I've consumed a peach topped with Greek yogurt, a handful of Smores Goldfish snacks, several pieces of melon, and a glass of cranberry juice.  Oh, the calories I didn't need.  Did I mention I wasn't even hungry?  I just like to eat.  Just like 'the Creeper.'

The Creeper emerges after too many cocktails, usually, but it's not the case when I'm the creeper.  I creep when the baby goes to sleep.  Apparently, will power exists in the light of day (or in a sober state).  Leftover pizza, pretzels, banana bread.  All known to disappear before dawn.  

I need to make my overnight oats for breakfast, but I'm scared to go back in the kitchen.  Who knows what I'll eat?  Otherwise, my breakfast oats have been delicious, and most importantly, filling.  Nom, nom, nom.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Menu Monday

Fine, so this menu includes yesterday's dinner as well.  Our shopping schedule is off due to visitors.  I have a twice a week limit on the grocery store.  If I forgot something, it's time to improvise.

Grilled Boneless Chops with vegetables and bread (Sunday)
Chicken Sausage Pasta (I did not make it last week - the nephew prefers tacos)
Tofu and Broccoli Stir Fry
Southwestern Breakfast Stacks
Buffalo Chicken Salad
Out - We have errands to run at the mall  (I fear the mall!)

Dark Cloud

We survived Irene.  It was a lot of rain and some wind.  It was being cooped inside all day.  It was four dudes (two under the age of five) and myself.  Inside.  All day.  It's really too bad that my visit with my brother and nephew was plagued by Irene.  I was looking forward to hanging out at the park, playing baseball and soccer, blowing bubbles, squeezing in a jog or hike, and taking my nephew to Skinny Dip for frozen yogurt.  Instead, we played MarioKart.  I cooked.  The bro and hubs assembled a bike.  I never had my camera near to capture those sweet moments between Lil'T and the nephew.  The bro and nephew were stopping in on their way home from the family reunion.  I'm glad they decided to visit and didn't want to see them go.  All the way to Mississippi.  Another 12 hour road trip in less than two weeks.  That bro of mine is crazy! 

Because I am devoted to Lil'T, I never feel like time is adequate.  I cannot seem to have normal relationships and/or conversations with others.  My sister's visit was too short.  My mother's visit was so brief, I haven't even mentioned it.  After watching my nephew for the summer, she had difficulties parting (to put it lightly).  She was here for less than 24 hours, but only physically.  My brother left yesterday morning.  My husband accompanied his parents to the coast to check on the house an hour later.  I went from full house to eerily quiet.  Back to me and Lil'T.  I was drained.  When I think I can't go on.  When I think about leaving.  When I consider running away.  I see the most precious thing.  I have a reason to smile and he smiles back. 

The day after Irene, the sky was blue, but I couldn't shake the clouds.  The dark cloud of self loathing rained on me.  It pours too often. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another weekend behind us :-(

The family reunion/beach weekend was a success and dare I say, far too short!?!  I am an anxious new mother (Lil T turns 8 months this week!  Can I still say I'm a new mom?  Fine...person), so it takes me a while to reach that easy, comfortable, go with the flow point.  Yes, T and the in-laws were around to help, but this is me we're talking about.  In the past I would either be in close proximity to the cooler at such gatherings drowning away the nerves or washing away it all away with a post event cocktail.  Sunday morning margaritas anyone?

As predicted, the weekend menu was a little unhealthy:  boils, burgers, hot dogs, chips, cheetos, sugar wafers, craisins, BBQ, cole slaw, beans, potato salad, pasta salad, white bread, ham, chicken, chocolate turtles, pretzels, vegan gumbo, cakes, cake balls, and cupcakes.  Can you believe I didn't have ice cream?  I planned to have a cone at Dairy Queen since my little sister was in town.  She adores DQ.  The bro and her hit up Ben and Jerry's instead one evening after I left the hotel.  So, some of those items are healthy and no, I did not try everything.  In an effort to counteract but not shock the system, the menu planned for this week is as follows:

Hummus Sandwiches with Carrots and Celery
Pesto Tuna Pasta Salad
**Radish Challenge!**Black Bean, Corn and Radish Salad and Garlic Bread
Chicken and veggies (either Buffalo or Honey Mustard...I can't decide)
Turkey Sausage Pasta with Onions and Peppers
Tofu Fried Rice with Broccoli and Peas

Last week's meals were a hit...
Lemony Salmon Pasta
Coconut Cashew Tofu

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Snakes in a shower

After a morning run on the beach, I stepped into the outside shower to wash off the stench.  I adjusted the water temp and was just about to remove my shorts when I noticed it.  A copperhead.  Perched on the shower ledge waiting for a tree frog or unsuspecting person.  A snake.  Nearly two feet in length.  I exited, leaving the water running, but did not scream.  After all, the most precious was napping near by.  Father in law to the rescue shovel in hand! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Only Tuesday

Well, there goes the $100 budget!  Already.  Sigh.  $110.82.  I blame myself.  I'm a snacker.  I love dessert.  I'm trying really, REALLY hard to avoid snacks and dessert.  Apparently I need to avoid impulse buys in the protein bar isle.  They're like snacks/desserts/meal replacements all in one.  Rather handy if you're a nursing mom who is suppose to consume a few extra calories a day, right?  

I like to think I stocked up this week on chicken, tofu, and frozen veggies.  There is nothing worse than returning home from a weekend out of town to an empty fridge AND an empty pantry.  After a long drive and several verses of 'Old MacDonald had a Farm' the last thing I want to do is go to the grocery store and/or deal with the guilt of a fast food dinner.  Old Mac is Lil' T's fave.  It's how I manage to shower after a morning run.  I don't want to wear it out, so it's a last resort on a car trip.  Also, LT likes paper.  Fan him with a brochure and he's giggles and smiles (until your forearm bursts into flames).

Last Saturday, we dined with the in-laws (T's newlywed sis and hubs) in honor of T's Birthday.  Birthdays are a big deal in his family.  T and I selected Chow, a newer pizza and burger joint.  It was family friendly, as I expected since I heard about the restaurant at Stroller Strides, and had decent beer selection.  Something for everyone.  It was LT's first highchair experience at a restaurant.  Arugula on a pizza, why yes.  Perhaps I need to revisit this green.  A few years ago, I consumed one too many Arugula salads and swore it off the menu.  And finally, a warm brownie sundae.  Split four ways, so it pretty much didn't count.  :-)


Monday, August 15, 2011

Quick post while he naps

It's a short week for us, but sure to be a busy one.  The upcoming family reunion is bringing in some out of towners.  Auntie Stephanie is the only one staying with us this week, and it's just for one night.  Nana will join us for a night or two after the beach weekend.  Family reunion at the beach!  I'm trying to be excited, but I've heard all the woes of planning and coordinating.  Apparently skipping, although  I was never technically invited, is not an option.  No invites, no RSVPs, NO wonder planning has been difficult!  ;-) 

T reminded me of the reunion after I had the full week of meals planned.  He's good to keep around.  The narrowed down menu includes:

Asian Chicken Salad
Vegetarian Chili Relleno Quesadillas with Salad (Homemade Chipotle-Cilantro Dressing - experiment)
Lemon Salmon Pasta
Curry Cashew Tofu

T's Birthday Fish Tacos: 

The most precious baby EVER: 

He's awake now, gotta jet.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Challenge: $100 weekly grocery budget

On the way home from our beach weekend, T proposed a weekly grocery budget of $100.  I quickly accepted the challenge!  (Eek!)

When I finally told T that I didn't want to return to work after the birth of our son and he agreed with the decision, I knew that our lifestyle would change.  I proposed a spending allowance, but T didn't like the idea.  Six months past before we discussed our budget again.  I'm not a big spender and was called a penny pincher growing up.  I've worked since I was 15 (or earlier...back when you had to have a worker's permit and rides to work).  Feeling like I wasn't contributing financially (coupled with a hearty case of the 'I wants'), I broached the budget subject.  The kid needs toys.  The kid needs clothes.  We need to eat.  The idea of a stricter budget seemed like a fun challenge.

Let's face it...I'm cheap.  T is cheaper.  To save coin, I plan weekly menus, hounding T for dinner ideas, wants, desires.  I shop sales ads.  I am, however, new to couponing!  Years ago for health and wealth, we eliminated some meat from our diet.  Some weeks I eliminate all meat, some all animal products.  I thoroughly enjoy creating and finding vegetarian and/or vegan dishes that are hearty, satisfying, and delicious.  With Lil'T's arrival, complicated recipes have largely been erased from my repertoire.  Another obstacle.  Inexpensive, healthy, AND easy.  :-) 

We spent Monday afternoon hammering out all the details.  The $100 excludes the cost of household needs and beer.  Our beer and wine budget has greatly decreased and is practically negligible anyway.  We are parents now.  Weeks run Monday to Sunday.  Lil' T eats homemade food whenever possible.  Which is all the time except for travel.  He's a boob man, so another food cost avoided.

This week's menu:
Thai Tofu over brown rice
Chicken and vegetable pasta
Sweet Potato and Chickpea Gumbo
Fish Tacos with Black Beans (T's birthday meal!)
Red Beans and Quinoa
Spicy Succotash
Yes, we will probably dine out once this week.

So far, so good.  $9 under budget.  But, I have depleted some food reserves.  The chicken, fish and gumbo were in the freezer.  Somehow, I'll need to stock up on staples in the coming weeks. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Giving it a go...

They've encouraged me to start a blog for a while now.  They being the hubs and MIL.  I love browsing cooking blogs and more recently budgeting and couponing blogs, so here is some attempt at a combination.

I hope to share snip-its of how we make things work.