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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You Rang...Stupidly, I Answered

Thor and I ventured to the park on this warm (ok, HOT) day.  Usually, no one is at the park at this time of day.  Much to Thor's excitement there were lots of kids.  Two separate groups of picnicking moms and grandmoms and their broods.  As I hovered near Thor, this conversation took place...

Random Mom:  (yelling from shady spot under tree) ARE YOU HAVING A GIRL?
Me:  Yes!
Random Mom:  I CAN TELL!
Me:  (sigh - thinking please be because I'm carrying high and not because I've gained weight all over including that jello preggo butt)

This was followed by the normal "when are you due?"  "OMG, you're going to be SO hot" BS talk until, thankfully, Thor ran to the baseball field.  I followed.  Jogging after my toddler in the cool breeze.  Playing with him in the shady trees far away from the mom who, basically called me a whale.  In front of everyone. 

Yes, I am as big as I was at 39 weeks with Thor.  Yes, it is my poor diet.  Baby girl apparently doesn't care for vegetables.  Carbs only.

I can only hate myself for answering to, "Hey Fatty!"